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TU Darmstadt Dept. CS Chair PUe German (no contents)   last change March 10, 2015

Chair Programming Languages and Compilers

When establishing the chair in 1971, Programming Languages and Compilers have been the most widely applied programming aid, resp. the programming tool offered for their implementation. Today, more dominant are user interfaces, interactive user interface programs, and user interface management systems (UIMS). Direct manipulation of a quasi-reality constructed on an object representation and an object-oriented working model in the application system are the basis of modern programming systems. Object-oriented design leads to the integration of user interface and application interface. There have been offered knowledge based methods. Some challenging application areas, typically with interactive handling, are covered, too. And, last but not least, usability engineering is considered as an important aspect of our work. A special task is to realize the involved development systems for user interfaces (UIDS); it can itself be done by the same methods. There, the following topics have to be coordinated and implemented supporting each other: The chair Programming Languages and Compilers is the contact address in the field of

Interactive Work with Computers.

Now, with the retirement of Prof. Hoffmann, most activities are stopped. There is some occasional work in the field, including historical aspects in the field.

Literature list of papers

--> (co-)authored by Prof. Hans-Jürgen Hoffmann (1959 through 1995)
Some older and all more recent work can be found here, electronically accessible:
--> documents
Recent thesis work is listed in the main page of the chair,
--> Chair Programming Languages and Compilers

The presentation is separated in different topics.

Programming languages and compilers>

These are the original topics of our work, beginning in 1971. Work is referenced here:
The focus of our work has been broadened, however you will always find ideas and approaches under the general motto "Interactive work with computers", methodologies, applications, etc.

User Interface Development and Management Systems

In the general description of the tasks the architecture of a modern integrated programming-aid resp. -tool has been shortly presented and the coaction of its single components. One activity (terminated in the meantime) had been the development of DIADES-I, an UIDS based on the tradition of structure-bounded editors and an UIMS based on a window system.
A second activity (also terminated) had been the development of DIADES-II. Here, co-acting of the components, i.e., intelligent agents, in the UIDS are realized on blackboards. All agents involved know how far the design is developed and what the actual topics of design are; they show suggestions for the design progress, derived from, also object-oriented, special knowledge, accessible to them. Special emphasis is on usability testing of the interactive system under development.
Following the architectural concepts of DIADES-I and DIADES-II typically based upon a multi-agent access on a blackboard, two more activities (both terminated) have to be mentioned. The first one, FUZZY-S, applies a multi-agent systems approach to design, configuration and test of software products in automation and control application based on fuzzy technology. This project is part of coordinated activities in the Graduiertenkolleg Intelligente Systeme für die Informations- und Automatisierungstechnik offered by the departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
References no more available
In a coordinated work with four partners (FORWISS in Erlangen, (formerly) mediatec in Nürnberg - now Dr.-Ing. Rainer Lutze Consulting -, a university unit of the Leibniz-University in Munich and another one of the Techn. University in Dresden) we developped, as a second activity, the SASSI-component of a system called EPK-fix for interactive specification of electronic multimedia product catalogues.
Reference page
with access to literature listings (there are wrong links in a page from LMU Munich: the mediatec address is outdated, and in the TU Darmstadt address replace "TH" by "TU"!)

Another project in the business area is MALL2000, an international project with partners in Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, and Tzschech Republic (and others).
A different approach is taken in a project which is an associated part of coordinated activities in the Graduiertenkolleg Intelligente Systeme für die Informations- und Automatisierungstechnik. In our previous activities in UIDS and UIMS, mainly in the DIADES-projects, support of typical office work has been considered as goal. By Dr. Elke Siemon, in the COMBO-Project support of engineering work in laboratory process applications is emphasized where independent processes produce collateral events.
Reference thesis (in German)
In the above-mentioned projects the interaction model was the traditional WIMP approach (Windows, Icons, Menus, and Pointing) as commonly available. In a more recent project the so-called non-WIMP approach for technology-oriented applications (e.g., robots) has been studied by Dr. Yongmei Wu (HotWIMP+) and realised using an appropriate design pattern.
Reference thesis

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design,
Object-Oriented Programming

Additional to and independent of the UIDS/UIMS-activities we are intensively engaged in object-oriented languages and their implementation, also in methodical approaches of object-oriented analysis and design. The beginnings have been with Smalltalk, an implementation of Smalltalk on a LISP-machine, storage administration in imple- mentations of (also distributed) object-systems; Flavors and CLOS, C++, and Oberon have been further steps, here more concerned with questions of application. Working with Eiffel we are interested in the treatment of assertions in the program text, combined with the possibilities of the program verification and the improvement of program reliability. Now, a wide variety of topics, including C#, were addressed, many of them in the scope of industrial applications and co-operations.
See in this context the dissertation work by Dr. Wolfram Höpken (HotTourist) and Dr. Petra Kopp (HotObject), referenced

Interactive Programming Systems

Mainly in the scope of intermediate and diploma thesis work of students some interactive programming systems have been developed, mostly suggested by industrial co-operations. Also studies comparing such products have been done. By this activities we contribute to a knowhow-transfer where we are also particularly interested in an ergonomically satisfactory design of the user interface.
Visually-supported interactive systems are a special area emphasized in our work. Some results mentioned above or in the following text below belong also to this subtopic:
The already mentioned COMBO-Projekt (see references at the end of the section UIDS & UIMS).
The Simple-Project is detailled below in the section Multimedia Applications.

Knowledge-Based Applications in Computer Science

Working in the DIADES-Project we found knowledge-based techniques to be applicable. Therefrom, the use of such techniques has been grown up in different fields of application, also mainly developed in the scope of intermediate and diploma thesis work in cooperation with external partners.

Data Bases and Distributed Systems,
Multimedia Applications

Working in industrial co-operations and participating in a DELTA- Project (CO-LEARN>, see above), although somewhat out of our central interest, we have considered topics of (object-oriented) database design and of distributed systems. In the scope of the project we are also working on multimedia, interactive objects. Due to the participation in this project the latter field of activity has been intensivated.
Two activities evolved from the CO-LEARN-activities. Both expand interactivity to multimedia: The Simple-Project and the thesis work HOTSIMPLE by Dr. Thomas Kunstmann considers agglomerations of active cells on a display screen with not only numerical contents. In other words, the functionality of the well-known spreadsheets is expanded to form a basis of a much wider scope of applications, see (sorry, for technical reasons separated):
Teil 1, Teil 2, Teil 3, Teil 4, Teil 5, Teil 6,

Software Quality

Consideration of software quality becomes, triggered by different national and international standardization activities, an important topic. We concentrate on user interface quality and reported about our findings in some referenced publications.

About Editors

Some work in the 70ties:

Other Topics

At the end we want to refer to some single reports, often motivated by industrial co-operations.
Further work, especially thesis work, is listed in the
Main page (in German) of the chair.

FG PUe Programming Languages and Compilers

last updated: February 25, 2015     by: H.-J. Hoffmann